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Who is this Man? Jesus’ Claims about Himself? Gospel of John Study Guide 6. John 5:1-47.


What do you think about the invalid who was lam

e for 38 years? What may it have been like to be in his situation?

Why do you think Jesus ask him if he wants to get well? What is the invalid’s response? What do you think about the invalid’s response?

What do we learn about Jesus in his interaction with the invalid? How does his interaction with Jesus give the invalid a new identity?

What is the issue of contention in this chapter? Why are the Jewish authorities persecuting Jesus? What makes them want to kill Jesus?

What are the claims that Jesus makes about himself in verses 16-30? What do you think about these claims? What may it have been like the Pharisees to hear these questions?

What is the evidence that Jesus says testifies in His favor in verses 31-47?


What are the areas of brokenness in your life that Jesus may want to heal?

What are the implications of Jesus’ claims that He is One with God and that the way to honor the Father is by honoring the Son? In what ways does Jesus’ claims about Himself challenge your worldview?

If Jesus is indeed Sovereign over all life then He wants to be Sovereign Lord over all of our lives. What are the areas of your life that you find difficult to give over to Jesus?

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